The Global Carbon Fund

Our fund invests in companies that use blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT), to verify carbon offsets, sequestered carbon, or energy generated by renewable resources.

We invest in companies that are developing blockchain technology to enable a more efficient and transparent global market for carbon credits.

Investment Focus

Carbon Solutions

Companies developing innovative products or solutions to reduce or mitigate carbon emissions

Carbon Registry

Companies developing technologies that drive blockchain registry of credits or tokens

Carbon Tokens

Companies issuing tokens based on registry of carbon credits

Carbon Trading

Companies developing exchange facilities for carbon credits

Fund Structure

The Carbon Fund is set up as a limited partnership with an operating general partner in Canada and in the EU. Investments into the fund can be made in either fiat or crypto currencies with returns specified and managed as in a traditional venture fund. All transactions, with investors and with portfolio companies are managed through smart contracts.

Why Us?

We focus on companies that are working to solve a massive environmental challenge, the urgency of which has been detailed in the latest Special Report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

We know that private capital, by targeting innovative technologies and using a distributed ledger accounting system for carbon offsets, can be an effective partner to the public sector. It can also make profitable returns, as our portfolio companies are all market driven in developing their products and services.

The market for carbon credits is being driven by a number of factors.


Carbon credit price discovery is being set by new regulatory frameworks that enable the global trading of verified carbon units


New blockchain enabled registries are creating public ledgers of verified carbon units for both issuers and traders of carbon tokens which will consolidate global standards


Innovative low-cost and low carbon technologies are driving the market for renewables world wide


Incentives for companies to generate carbon credits which can be traded on global exchanges