Carbon News

How Do Carbon Credits Reduce Emissions?
Reducing emissions is a must but we’re running out of time…

The World’s Great Lithium Illusion – Here’s What You Really Need to Know
There’s an old saying in the news and media – ‘If it…

Mitsubishi Reveals a Breakthrough in Creating Sustainable PET Bottles from Biomass
Mitsubishi Corporation entered into an agreement with consumer…

Bayer, Shell, Temasek Partner to Cut Methane Emissions in Rice Cultivation by 30%
Bayer, Temasek-owned investment company GenZero, and Shell Energy…

The Steel Climate Standard is Finally Out: Our 5 Key Takeaways
The Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC) published the Steel Climate…

Roadway Revolution: Nikola Accelerates Hydrogen Truck Production
An impressive feat was accomplished this quarter by Nikola Corporation,…

Amazon’s Carbon Emissions Take a Green Turn with Renewables
Since Amazon started disclosing its carbon emissions in 2019,…

Base Carbon Reports Over $100M in Net Income
Base Carbon Inc.(BCBN), a leading Canadian financier in global…

Newlight Closes $125M for Turning Carbon into Fashion Bags and More
California-based Newlight, which brings a new biological pathway…
Carbon market news provided by CarbonCredits.Com