Carbon News

Revolutionizing the Glass Industry: LionGlass Halves Carbon Emissions and Boosts Durability
When discussing the reduction of global carbon emissions, the…

Over $420M North American Forest Fund from Japanese Investors Kicks Off
Sumitomo Forestry, a top Japanese forestry company, has kicked…

Samsung Reports Net Zero Progress, Pledges Over $5B by 2030
Samsung Electronics, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker,…

Capture6 Secures Over $8M Grant for Innovative Carbon Capture Technology
In a significant boost to the carbon capture industry, Capture6,…

Nvidia AI Tech Ramps Up Carbon Capture & Storage Predictions 700,000x
Nvidia Corporation, a giant tech company that’s a leading supplier…

North America’s Largest Biochar Plant Announced In Canada
A consortium of Canadian and French companies, including Airex…

Toyota Reveals Solid-State EV Battery with 745-Mile Range, Cuts Emissions by 39%
Toyota reveals its solid-state EV battery technology which claims…

Indonesia’s Coal Emissions at Record High, Up 33% in 2022
Indonesia’s coal emissions in 2022 hit a record high, as per…

UAE to Invest $54B in Renewable Energy as Part of Net Zero Goal
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is planning to invest $54 billion…
Carbon market news provided by CarbonCredits.Com