Carbon News

New World Bank Trust Fund for Projects that Cut Emissions

New World Bank Trust Fund for Projects that Cut Emissions

The World Bank announced that it will launch a new trust fund…
London Stock Exchange Finally Reveals its VCM Platform

London Stock Exchange Finally Reveals its VCM Platform

The London Stock Exchange has finally launched its voluntary…
Is Green Hydrogen the Energy of the future?

Is Green Hydrogen the Energy of the future?

The global energy market has become even more unstable and uncertain.…
Macquarie Invests in Carbon Offset Consultancy EP Carbon

Macquarie Invests in Carbon Offset Consultancy EP Carbon

Macquarie invested in carbon offset consultancy EP Carbon to…
The Algorithm that Keeps Track Circular Cities

The Algorithm that Keeps Track Circular Cities

Holcim and Bloomberg Media Studios together created the Circular…
World’s 1st Enhanced Rock Weathering Methodology Opens for Public Consultation

World’s 1st Enhanced Rock Weathering Methodology Opens for Public Consultation

Finnish registry Puro.Earth opens a public consultation for the…
Levi’s Vows to Reach Net Zero Emissions by 2050

Levi’s Vows to Reach Net Zero Emissions by 2050

Levi Strauss showed its commitment to achieve net zero emissions…
The BMO Voluntary Carbon Market Primer – 4 Major Takeaways

The BMO Voluntary Carbon Market Primer – 4 Major Takeaways

The Canadian Bank of Montreal or BMO recently released its report…
Twelve Transforms Carbon into Sunglasses, Car Parts, and Fuel

Twelve Transforms Carbon into Sunglasses, Car Parts, and Fuel

As firms around the world are tackling climate change, Twelve…

Carbon market news  provided by  CarbonCredits.Com