Carbon News
EasyJet & Airbus Strike a Deal: Zero Carbon Flying with Carbon Removal Credits
EasyJet is the first airline in the world that signed a contract…
Carbon Offsets Ignite Dispute Over Xcel’s Colorado Emissions Reduction Plan
Natural gas becomes a kitchen-table issue in the U.S., literally.…
ADNOC Spends $17B for World’s First Net Zero Natural Gas Project
ADNOC, the biggest oil producer in the United Arab Emirates,…
Chevron Finds Global Carbon Pricing Key for Low-Carbon Investments
US oil company Chevron believes that implementing a global carbon…
Singapore Sets Higher Standards for International Carbon Credits
Singapore announced a set of criteria for international carbon…
Revolutionizing Cement With Electrochemistry The Sublime Way
In today’s environmentally-conscious era, industries worldwide…
Trane Technologies Unleashes AI Power to Cut Building Emissions by 30%
Trane Technologies launched its new AI and cloud-based tool that…
Isometric Launches Groundbreaking Standard for Carbon Removal Credits
Isometric, a fascinating carbon removals startup, launched its…
Global Mining Expanding Capex and Commiting to Net Zero
The mining industry is emblematic of economic cycles, surging…
Carbon market news provided by CarbonCredits.Com