Carbon News

Chevron Finds Global Carbon Pricing Key for Low-Carbon Investments

Chevron Finds Global Carbon Pricing Key for Low-Carbon Investments

US oil company Chevron believes that implementing a global carbon…
Singapore Sets Higher Standards for International Carbon Credits

Singapore Sets Higher Standards for International Carbon Credits

Singapore announced a set of criteria for international carbon…
Revolutionizing Cement With Electrochemistry The Sublime Way

Revolutionizing Cement With Electrochemistry The Sublime Way

In today’s environmentally-conscious era, industries worldwide…
Trane Technologies Unleashes AI Power to Cut Building Emissions by 30%

Trane Technologies Unleashes AI Power to Cut Building Emissions by 30%

Trane Technologies launched its new AI and cloud-based tool that…
Isometric Launches Groundbreaking Standard for Carbon Removal Credits

Isometric Launches Groundbreaking Standard for Carbon Removal Credits

Isometric, a fascinating carbon removals startup, launched its…
Global Mining Expanding Capex and Commiting to Net Zero

Global Mining Expanding Capex and Commiting to Net Zero

The mining industry is emblematic of economic cycles, surging…
Carbon Credit Purchases in Canada Are Now Protected With Kita

Carbon Credit Purchases in Canada Are Now Protected With Kita

Carbon credit insurance company Kita Earth has entered the Canadian…
Dubai’s Firm Inks $1.5B Carbon Credit Deal with Zimbabwe

Dubai’s Firm Inks $1.5B Carbon Credit Deal with Zimbabwe

A Dubai-based company, Blue Carbon, inked a deal with Zimbabwe…
Supercharging C-Crete’s Cement-Free, Carbon-Negative Concrete

Supercharging C-Crete’s Cement-Free, Carbon-Negative Concrete

C-Crete Technologies is creating an innovative way to capture…

Carbon market news  provided by  CarbonCredits.Com