Singapore-Ghana Carbon Credit Transfer Agreement: Advancing Sustainable Solutions

Singapore-Ghana Carbon Credit Transfer Agreement: Advancing Sustainable Solutions

Singapore and Ghana signed a carbon credit agreement on May 27, 2024, in a significant step towards global environmental sustainability. This deal enables businesses in Singapore to offset a part of their carbon tax by investing in certified carbon reduction projects in Ghana.

Unlocking the Details of the Singapore-Ghana Carbon Credits Agreement

The carbon credit agreement, officially known as the “Implementation Agreement” promotes cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Singapore’s Minister for Sustainability and the Environment and Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations, Grace Fu, and Ghana’s Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ophelia Hayford, officiated the signing.

The important attributes of this agreement are:

Project developers must contribute 5% of proceeds from authorized carbon credits to climate adaptation efforts in Ghana. It would assist the country in preparing for climate change impacts.
Developers will have to cancel 2% of authorized carbon credits upon initial issuance to contribute further to global emissions reduction. These carbon credits cannot be sold, traded, or counted towards any country’s emission targets. They will contribute only to a net decrease in global emissions.
Under Singapore’s International Carbon Credit (ICC) framework, eligible ICCs from this Implementation Agreement can be used by Singapore-based companies to offset up to 5% of their carbon tax liabilities.
The Agreement can meet binding mandates like Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and international mitigation requirements such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

Singapore’s Minister Grace Fu said,

“Singapore and Ghana share many mutual interests in the sustainability sphere. The conclusion of the Implementation Agreement is a testament to our shared commitment to advance global climate action through high-integrity carbon markets.”

She further assured that carbon credit projects under this Agreement will deliver climate and economic benefits. Subsequently, Singapore will keep collaborating with partners like Ghana to create opportunities for a sustainable future.

READ MORE: Nestlé Unveils New Initiatives to Cut Cocoa Supply Emissions • Carbon Credits

Promoting Sustainable Development in Ghana

Media reports state that the bilateral agreement follows Temasek-backed investment platform GenZero’s ongoing investments in a forest restoration project in Ghana’s Kwahu region.

The project, in collaboration with Singapore-based AJA Climate Solutions, aims to replant degraded forest reserves. It includes sustainably growing cocoa trees in shaded farms to protect them from climate impacts like floods, heat stress, and pests.

The project area within the Kwahu region, once a lush forest 40 to 50 years ago, has been heavily exploited for timber in recent decades. This deforestation has resulted in Ghana losing more cocoa hectares each year, leading to economic downfall. Consequently, this Agreement under Article 6 and the project came as a blessing for Ghana.

The forest project will eventually focus on regenerating native tree species across degraded forests. It plants to grow 20 million seedlings within seven years to balance the impact of heavy deforestation.

Talking about economic benefits, Ghana will experience increased investment in its green projects.

These initiatives, which range from reforestation to renewable energy, will not only reduce carbon emissions but also promote sustainable development and create job opportunities within Ghana.

Supporting Singapore’s Climate Goals

For Singapore, this partnership is a strategic move to meet its ambitious climate goals. The city-state has committed to cut down its GHG emissions by 50% by 2030. The country aims to help businesses by allowing them to offset their carbon taxes through overseas credits.

Notably, the Kwahu project extends Singapore’s intergovernmental partnerships regarding Article 6. In November 2022, Singapore and Ghana finalized substantive negotiations on the Implementation Agreement on Cooperative Approaches. This agreement allows for the bilateral transfer of carbon credits aligning with Article 6.

Singapore is most likely to witness the following impacts on its carbon credit economy:

Carbon credits traded under this Implementation Agreement, upon completion, might offset a portion of corporate carbon tax liabilities in Singapore.
This would be the first project in the country to generate carbon credits with corresponding adjustments under this Implementation Agreement.

We may infer that the carbon credit agreement offers a win-win scenario economically and environmentally. Singaporean companies gain flexibility in managing their carbon tax liabilities, potentially lowering their operational costs. Simultaneously, Ghana benefits from the inflow of funds into its green economy, bolstering its efforts to combat climate change and fostering economic growth.

However, both nations must establish a robust monitoring and verification mechanism to maintain the integrity of the carbon credits.

All said and done, The Singapore-Ghana carbon credit agreement can leverage international cooperation to combat global climate change. No wonder it provides a scalable model for other nations to follow and paves the way for a more sustainable future.

FURTHER READING: Nestlé Unveils New Initiatives to Cut Cocoa Supply Emissions • Carbon Credits

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