Alaska to Earn Revenue from A New Source: Carbon Credits
Alaska only earned a few tens of millions of dollars in all the decades it has been selling timber. And the federal government has locked up the Tongass National Forest, drying up the timber industry in the state.
So, simply put, there were not enough forests to be commercially viable anymore.
A Bill on Carbon Sequestration
He will propose to the Legislature a carbon credit program for forest lands, depleted oil basins, and even seaweed forests off of the Alaska coast.
The governor said this bill will be a starting point for how carbon sequestration would look in the state. It will also explore how the state can contract with potential credit buyers and what carbon sinks will be involved.
Alaska Forest and Blue Carbon Credits
Fast-growing seaweed like sargassum is an efficient carbon soaker, sequestering up to 20x more CO2 than a tree of the same volume.
Potential Carbon Credit Revenues
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